Friday 5 August 2011


I can remember as a quite young child, sitting on the verandah with my mother, her apron on and we shelling peas for tea, me with a bowl in my lap to catch them and she with an apron full of shells in her lap.. We'd laugh and talk about what had been happening, what we were going to cook and how.  In times like this my mother who loved the sunshine would sit there with me and speak of her past as a child. These times were good, fun and loving.  I can remember coming home one evening, mum had been mowing the lawn with the flymo electric mower, she showed me her hand what a mess, something damp caused her to be electrocuted, she said she understood when people told her their hair stood on end, because hers had done just that, she had tried with one hand to pull the plug out of the mower and had caught the full wattage which was eating into her hand. Her screams were heard from next door and the rest is history, what a woman, she lived to tell that tale to add to the many she had experienced as a girl.   Please people no electric products near the sink, bath, loo;  water of any kind. 

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