Friday 22 July 2011


One's worst nightmare would be for a child to not come home.  I wonder would we blame ourselves, question whether we did enough or too much,could it have been we were too strict, too expectant, too judgemental or as an adult does our child need to look at where he/she is at and work it for themself.    There are "crosses to bear" in all walks of life; some seem to breeze through the everyday nuances which for some would be stresses.  Or is it that this is a persona one shows to the world when at heart they are crying out for acknowledgement. As a mother, grandmother, aunt, great aunt, sister, cousin I have been blessed with love.  My baby brother did not come home when he was 23, a beautiful soul who loved and trusted too much. My parents were never quite the same again.  Their light shone slightly dimmer, their love never wavered, but they journeyed through their lives with invisible scars.  We, as a family, were the poorer for having lost a beautiful, searching soul who had shown so much love for others who let him down in his time of need.

Wednesday 20 July 2011


Is it wise to question what is being done to us in the name of science or sit back and take what is fed us without asking why.   Does this make us complacent, apathetic or stupid.  In whose eyes are we seeing ourselves, do we feel ok with who/what we are or are we striving to be what someone else expects of us?

I watch as politicians ridicule each other in what they call debate, is denigration of another the way to prove one's worth or the right to be accepted in society.      Is name calling the answer, respect would be a fine thing. Understanding, acceptance, listening and creating change could be seen as a good thing if communication is sound.
Profound thoughts for the day.